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Co děláme o prázdninách v KPMG?

Sezóna za námi = méně práce a více nudy? Ale kdepak! :) Čekají nás zajímavá a užitečná školení, letní speciální projekty, v některých odděleních (DPH, transfer pricing, mezinárodní daně) se práce o prázdninách neliší od zbytku roku a samozřejmě také dovolená :). Níže ve spolupráci s kolegou z Litvy přináším report o super školení, které někteří z nás absolvovali minulý nebo tento týden.

KPMG umí své zaměstnance naplno využít i v létě a s ohledem na menší vytíženost nás posílá na mezinárodní školení, která se konají po různých místech většinou v regionu střední Evropy. Druhoroční asistenty u nás třeba v létě čeká čtyřdenní školení "International Tax Basic", které se koná buď v ČR nebo v Polsku. Přináším Vám zážitky a dojmy Mantase, transfer pricing specialisty z Litvy, kterého jsem přesvědčila, aby mi sepsal jeho dojmy a největší zážitky z týdne stráveného v ČR (text je bez cenzury) wink:

Hi! My name is Mantas and I am a Senior Transfer Pricing Associate at the KPMG in Lithuania. I, together with Sarka and 20 other KPMG’ers from 8 different countries, participated in an International Tax course in Plzen. And it has been great!

Now, let me expand a bit. Even though I am specialising in TP I had a chance to participate in this course and I am very glad I took it. I am also extremely satisfied that I picked the Czech Republic option as I’ve never been there until now. The experiences I’ve brought home with me are greater than I’ve expected and I’ll try to portray them a bit for you.

We had a chance to arrive in Prague early on Sunday and we seized the opportunity as it allowed us to see this beautiful city. And I must say that Prague is truly one of the most beautiful cities I’ve ever visited, and I’ve been in quite a few. The old town, the astronomical clock, the Castle, the trams and parks, the Charles’ Bridge and the city in general left a lasting impression.

Of course it’s not all fun and games (on those a bit later), but some serious learning was done on this course too. I do not intend to bore you with all the technicalities of international taxes, but have in mind that these three and a half days were packed with learning, which not only is useful on the job, but allows you to see the ‘bigger picture’, create essential fundamentals for future development and progression within the KPMG.

However, these courses are never only about learning. The great thing about them is the opportunity to meet new people from different countries. You make friends very easily, share experiences and soon you are at a table at some Czech bar drinking Pilsner and having a laugh. We also went for a few games of bowling, toured Pilsner Urquell brewery and followed the astonishing World Cup semi-final between Brazil and Germany. All of these activities have one common thread – communicating with people from different offices, different cultures, speaking different languages, but united by a common sense of belonging to one extended KPMG family.

This is one of the reasons, why KPMG is such a great place to work – you truly get a feeling of belonging to an international entity spanning the Globe. Yet all these thousands of people at different offices, speaking languages you happily mangle with your horrible pronunciation of ‘dobré ráno’, are very similar to yourself. And you get to discover this through courses like this.

Awesome course! Would do it all over again.

Díky Mantasi za super článek angel


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